Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hannah's Growing up!!!

We had usual Monday night dinner last night and I was able to take a few pictures of Hannah. She has REALLY grown up and learned so much since the last time I've spent some time with her. She has a pretty big vocabulary and is willing to learn new words as you tell her what things and who people are. Of course, it's not very easy for her to say Aunt C, so I said about 5 other names that could be possibilities and all we could get was a "ku" noise...better than nothing. Grandaddy doesn't come out either...oh well, save the best for last, right?! :)

She actually took a few steps on her own last night and could be walking by next week, but it could be another month. I am lucky enough to get to keep her for tonight for a little while...she's just such a joy to be around--so happy all of the time!!! I love that little girl to pieces!!!!!!!
This is her "say cheese" face...what a hoot!
I love my chair, my Buddy dog, pup pup and even the little crab I'm holding...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

LOTS MORE BABIES are on the way!!!!!

As many of you have heard by now, Haley and Gene are expecting the arrival of Baby Bell #2 in March. And T's parents, Anna and Tombo are expecting the arrival of Baby Milliken #2 five days before Baby Bell on March 21st. But what you don't know is that Sarah Preston and Marwan are expecting Baby Marzagao #2 one week later than Baby Bell on April 4th.
This means within 2 weeks of each other, 3 of my best friends are expecting their second babies...I am SOOO excited for all of them and can't wait to share in all the fun of being a mom with such wonderful friends!!!!!!!!

Baby Milliken due March 21st
Baby Bell due March 26th
Baby Marzagao due April 4th

CONGRATULATIONS and we can't wait for T, Emory Anne and Sally to be big sisters and a big brother!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Book scholar

So, although Hannah has not taken up walking yet, she is quit the little scholar. Toys are not her thing, but give the child a book and she's in heaven. Walks and I gave her this chair for her first birthday back in May and I think she's finally enjoying it. Hopefully her interest in books will pay off. I can't wait to go visit her later on this afternoon!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

22 week baby update

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and it seems like everything is moving along fine. Heartbeat was in the 140s and I am measuring on target. While she was doing the doppler on my stomach you could hear the heartbeat and then you would hear a noise and she would ask if I felt that. This happened two or three times and each time I said no. Am I the only person who can't feel their baby move and I am almost 23 weeks pregnant?!?! Oh well, I guess I shouldn't complain, I'm sure it will come soon enough.
I go back in 4 weeks for the gestational diabetes test...for now I'll just watch my stomach grow some more, oh yeah, and the rest of my body!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Slack blogger

Sorry I haven't posted in so long...unfortunately I don't have any new pictures to show...well, maybe one from the beach a few weeks ago. I'm headed out today for DeBordieu with the Milliken family.

I have missed a few occassions in the past few weeks.

MOM and DAD's 35th Anniversary was August 4th...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

AMANDA'S Birthday was yesterday, August 9th...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!