Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Sunday, April 20, 2008

4 months old

Just a few days late, but WOW, my baby is 4 months old. Our precious Baby William is growing up so fast. Things to note about the last month:
- Stats:
24 1/2 inches (30th percentile)
13lbs 12ozs (30th percentile)
15 3/4 inches (25th percentile)
Although he looks big to me, I guess the numbers tell the truth!
- We switched from 5- 7oz bottles to 4- 8 oz bottles a day. Schedule is 7:30, 11:30, 3:30 then again at 7 or so. He's down between 8 and 8:30.
- Started to "talk" to us. When he's in a good mood he'll coo and mimic us if he's in a really good mood!
- Spit up has leveled off a little, but not much. We started 1/2 dose of Prevacid in a.m and 1/2 dose in p.m. about 3 weeks ago. It's helping, but there is room for improvement!
- Started taking a "lovey" when he was 3 1/2 months old. I noticed him grabbing for his burp cloth and decided it was time for a lovey when he was in bed. Now one lives at Pam's, one lives in the carrier and one lives in his crib. Our favorite is El...our cute blue elephant.
- He is into toys these days...something to hold onto. Our favorite is this Whoozit that I did not realize cost $16.99 until I checked my receipt later. We have gotten our money's worth, but as I drove down the highway back into town from Babies R Us, you better believe I was thinking of returning it. Glad I didn't- it's a good one!

- We have almost completely phased out this swing, but still catch a cat nap in it every so often:

- Loves to watch T.V. I have to admit that in the morning after his 7:30 bottle, we do put him in the bouncy seat on the coffee table and let him watch The Today Show. Probably not his show of choice, but it's our fave. He often looks from the T.V. to the mirror over our mantle to see the deer in the reflection or the fan. But like I said, LOVES the T.V.
- Goes to Pam's Monday thru Friday from roughly 9:30 to 4:30 (just until 2:00 on Friday's). She says he's a sweet boy, but as we know, spits up a lot. There is no rhyme or reason to a "good day" or a "bad day"- we just take each day and use as many bibs as we need to! I did a load a few weeks ago that was a Sunday and Monday worth of WAM clothes and there were 16 bibs in the load.
- Holds his head up ALMOST perfectly. There is still the occasional "flop" though :)
- He has started to look more like Walks the past month- still a good combo though. You be the judge, pictures of our angel below!!!

You are a sweet, precious boy and we can't wait for the next 4 months!!!

As the "family" grows...

All together's been awhile, but we had T, Emory Anne and Hannah all over last Saturday night. Of course this time, Lesesne, Grady and William were part of the crew. It was a very informal, WILD night with 8 adults and 6, how quickly things change!

We loved spending the evening with everyone and look forward to our next gathering!

CiCi, Grady and Lesesne...what a dream to quietly hold two sweet, sleeping babies!

Gene and Tombo hopefully enjoying dinner.
Emory Anne, Hannah and T
Can you believe that they are almost two years old? They had a great time playing with each other and before we know it, Grady, Lesene and WAM will be right there with them!

Lesesne at home...

A more recent pic than my last post, I will try to add more soon!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

WAM Pics

Here are some shots of William over the past 2 weeks. I will do some better updates later on this week, but here are a few pics so at least I can say I blogged!

I'm sad that my child has a bib on in almost every picture we take of him, but if photos are to catch moments as they are, than the bib is very appropriate. He is such the little spitter upper. Otherwise, he's my ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!