Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Friday, June 27, 2008

6 months old

So little baby William isn't so little anymore- we have hit the 6 month mark! He is getting to be quite the little chatter box- doesn't say any recognizable sounds yet, but gargles, coos, etc. He still spits up some, but this month has been the biggest improvement so far.
William had his first swimming experience right before he turned 6 months and absolutely loved it. I can't wait to put him back in the water when we return to the coast 3 times in July!!! We are so lucky to be able to go to McClellanville, DeBordieu and Edisto throughout the year, but especially all three places in one month!
William starting really holding onto his feet this month. Here he is lying down on Walks lap, cooing at the big deer head and fan and holding his feet. They had a lot of morning time together and Walks has always given him his morning bottle, but with Walks' business really picking up and William being able to hold his own bottle, things are starting to change with the morning routine.
He spent the night with GrandAnne and G-daddy last week and I think they all had a great time! It was his first night with them and he slept until 8:15 the next morning!!! He hasn't slept past 7:00 for us in ages. GrandAnne has drapes that really make the room dark and since we didn't want to get new drapes for his nursery, we put a loud fan in his room and he's been sleeping until 7:30 or 8:00- yay! In theory that sounds good, but it was pushing his whole schedule back and that put his last bottle at night after 7:00. So we are trying to wake him up and get his morning bottle going around 7:30-7:45.

Typical happy sweet William.

William still likes to cover his face up when he gets tired and he sleeps with a lovey snuggled in close--it's super sweet and I think that is here to stay. We have 3 lovies- 2 elephants and the bunny.
He has started sitting in his high chair to eat now which makes him seem so much more grown up. He gets excited when he sees it because he knows he's about to eat! He is eating in the morning and at night (lunch is coming soon).But a few of the vegetables are not his favorite!

William's stats at 6 months:
Height- 26" (30th percentile)
Weight- 16 1/2 lbs (30th percentile)
Head- not sure, but 25th percentile
Sweet baby William, you still make me want to eat you daily with the cute noises, faces, expressions, reactions and your general sweet, laid back disposition. I love you to pieces!

Getting so big!

William holds his own bottle now...I can't believe how grown up that makes him seem to me! He also started sitting in his high chair for his food meals this week (pictures to come later). He still loves his bouncy seat, but he almost touches the bed or counter when he sits in it--guess he's just about outgrown it!
Happy happy baby boy!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Takes my breath away...

This is one amazing little boy...I LOVE YOU WILLIAM!!!!!

Trip to Debordieu

We spent last Friday through Wednesday at the beach with the whole Milliken family, minus G-Daddy who is in Canada. We had a great time, but didn't see much of the beach with having three children to take care of. Saturday we saw the ocean for about 2 hours and the rest of the days we decided the pool would be much easier with the babies. We were about to hop on the golf cart with a beach bag, cooler, float and a few bouncy seats and hit the pool with ease. (Hauling chairs and umbrellas to the beach was not nearly as easy)!!! Tombo, Walks and William enjoying the pool.
William loved T's float that Anna brought us to use...I forsee many more uses out of it this summer.

Looked like we had a set of twins, but with William and Lesesne so close in age, it will appear that we have twins for many years to come!
Babies in the shade...
T loved the pool.
Lesesne in her stadium seat.
Here is William in a bed trap while I jumped in the shower :)
We had a great time at the beach and we know each time will become easier and more fun for all of us. We'll be back in July!!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Hannah's 2nd Birthday Party

Hunter and Amanda hosted a wonderful party on Sunday for Hannah's 2nd birthday which was actually on Friday, the 30th. We all had a great time and were joined by all of Hannah's friends.
Hannah is loving her baby William.
I tried to get Hannah to have a lick off of her birthday candle, but she was not going to have anything to do with that.
William's 2nd cousin Cole was giving him all kinds of love and kisses and William was eating it up! Emory Anne strikes a pose for us :)
Lesesne and Tombo...what a SWEET baby girl she is!!!!!
Birthday Girl
Hannah and Aunt Brit in her new playhouse.
T's 10 lb. diaper...this boy loves water and went straight in!
T ran naked after grabbing for his diaper a few times wondering what was hanging off the back of him!!!!