Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The boy loves to read

Thank you

Thanks to Amanda Thomas, the blog is back to normal. YAY!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Trying to fix the blog

I know none of my links work and things look different...I completely messed up the blog and am trying to fix it. Hopefully will get this done over the weekend. I'm going cross-eyed trying to figure out this html code...awful!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

14 and 15 month update

Happy 15 months Sweet William!
It's been 2 months since I've posted about you--that's what happens when I don't feel so hot because of Baby #2 and I have been without a camera for too long!

You are still as sweet and loving as ever, but there is a side to you that we don't want to cross. You are starting to have your moments that if you don't get your way, you will lie down on the floor and/or cry. We have to leave you alone to get you to realize that it is not your way or the highway.

You still have that baby look (probably because you still don't have hardly any hair with the exception of a few curls in the back that are going to hit mullet status soon) and I love it! I know with you becoming a big brother in a few months, you will have to grow up fast. So while you are our one and only, I am glad to enjoy all of the moments and glad you still seem like our baby to me.
You have started to wake up earlier these past few months. You used to sleep from 7:30 until 8 and now you sleep from 7 to 7. Actually, no matter what time we put you to bed, you start to stir around 7. We leave you in there to play for a good 30 minutes which sometimes leads to TOUGH mornings. You have been known to throw yourself around the crib when I come in to get you because I have really made you wait too long. We are working on getting in there when you are still babbling and talking and not whimpering for us to come get you.

Your words include: Mama, Dada, Juice and that's all I can make out right now. But I know that you understand just about everything we say. And you will also let us know when you want something by pointing and saying oooh, oooh, oooh. We get it, but it will be nice once you start to tell us in words what it is you want.

You still eat pretty much everything we give you- favorites still being pot roast, applesauce, chicken, yogurt, most fruit and of course anything sweet!
You love to have a snack in the afternoon-favorite being goldfish.

At your 15 month check-up yours stats were:
Weight- 23 lbs 10 oz- 35th percentile
Height- 29 inches- 5th percentile
Head- ???- 10th percentile

You run around like a wild man and love being able to keep up with us as we walk around the house. You have really started to pay more attention to the television which is of course good and bad. It can save us in a pinch to let you watch Mickey Mouse or something else and we really try to let you watch these shows Saturday mornings. We usually have a special breakfast of cinnamon rolls, or something else we bake and watch cartoons. I love that time we have together. Below is one Saturday morning you just let me hold you for a good 15 minutes with your head down and we just loved on each other. Those are the times I don't want to forget about because they are few and far between with you on the move.

Happy 15 months Baby William--I love you!

Finally some recovered pics

Snow day ...
Just loving William...

New Years Eve at Debordieu...William and T LOVED jumping on the bed and falling into all the pillows...

When you leave the back door open...
Visit from NYC Carrie a day or two before Christmas...

Loving William...
Good morning!!!

18 week ultrasound

Here we are at almost 19 weeks pregnant and we had our "big" ultrasound yesterday. We were excited to see Baby #2 and to report that everything looks healthy. I love this appointment because it eases my mind about anything that could be wrong and everything looks so right! He or she was all over the place moving around and she wasn't able to get the best pictures, but they are good enough for me. Baby's heart rate was 144 and my weight gain to date is 3 lbs. All looks good and now I'm just ready to look pregnant because I definitely feel it!!! We are still due August 13th, so we will just have to wait and see what it is until then :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


My new D40 has arrived and is ready to take photos...will update blog soon. YAY!!!!