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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Baby Milliken's Nursery

I almost have the all of the nursery...still waiting on the roman shades, but should have those by Monday. Here are pictures of how it is looking so far. I love it!!! And by the way, I still don't know what I'm having, although I've heard people say they think I'm having a boy, but that I'm not telling anybody. I can ASSURE you that I do not know and have LOVED not knowing what we're having. But I can't wait to find out what it is.


I love my girls!! said...

It looks so good...we can't wait to meet your new little one (which I am still thinking girl!!)

Chris Kirk said...

Looks good. I must admit I have heard that rumor about the boy!

Chris Kirk said...

Okay, that was me, Ariail, no idea why it thinks I am Chris.

LOLLY said...

Caroline, I really love your nursery, the colors are great and if it turns out to be a girl..A little pink will go with everthing else perfectly.