This is going to be a quick 7 month update (seeing as he is getting close to 8 months):
Baby William is getting so big now! He learned how to sit up this month. It was like one day he didn't have a clue how to sit up and the next he could sit up for 30 minutes straight!

He still loves his bathtime and yes, I still bathe him in the kitchen sink. As long as he likes it, fits and doesn't cry, this suits me fine (I don't have to lean down-it's wondeful!). He either grabs the cup or the washcloth while we're bathing-he absolutely loves it!

Tried his first biter biscuit.

- He got his first cold
- Emory anne got him to belly laugh (all children can make him laugh WAY harder than he laughs for us)
- He sat up when he was about 6 1/2 months
- He rolls over and over again
- Got his first 2 teeth (of course the bottom two)
He is still the sweetest little boy- makes me want to take bites out of him when he smiles or laughs for us. Love you lots Baby William!!!
I can't believe how old the babies is going by too fast!!
We did one or two "big girl" baths and we are back in the kitchen sink. I am getting too old to bend over more than I have to. Camden will be in the sind until she can bathe herself:)
Dear Caroline:
I have so enjoyed perusing all the photos of William and his cousins and reading about your "coming of age" as a young mother. You are so fortunate to have a family who loves to be together and shares its loves so freely. Please thank Walks for sharing this website with me. God Bless. Lisa Gayle ;)
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