Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Sunday, October 19, 2008

10 Month Update

Sweet William you are already 10 months old--and everyday is better than the one before!!! It's so hard to believe how much you have grown up this past month. You have started to "talk" a lot more. You don't say any words that we can understand, but you certainly like to imitate sounds and noises that we make. You will have your own little conversation and I'm sure you know what you mean, but we don't have a clue! But it is oh so cute :)

You and your Dad have spent a lot of time together this month- especially since he is the one that puts you to bed at night. Our routine is to finish the bottle around 7:30 or so (which is sometimes impossible to get you to take) and then Walks puts you in the sleep sack, gives you paci and lovey and reads 2 or 3 stories. I love that you have this time to be together one on one...and I think you both love it too!

Walks always wants to take pictures of you and I don't mean one or two, but more like 15 or 20- in a 1 minute time period!!! Here is one that he took with you wearing one of my athletic headbands. Looks like you're about to do aerobics--in the eighties!

Here you are on the guest bed where you used to stay put, those days are long gone!
Pajama time for Mama and the Baby Boy. You and Dad before bathtime. You are still bathing in the kitchen sink...your real bathtub days are coming soon, I promise!
You are starting to love your big activity cube toy. Especially now that you can pull up on it! Your favorite toys are the ball blowing machine, the tractor pulling the wagon (probably because it's the only toy we have with wheels) and your favorite is this little cloth fishing rod--you will come crawling as fast as you can if we show you this toy!
Just in the past two weeks have you really started to pull up on everything. You pretty much have it mastered and are very tough when you fall and hurt yourself. You give one good whimper and then realize that you're not going to get any attention so you get over it!
You are an absolutely great eater! You haven't spit out anything we've given you at first bite. You do get tired of something and will swat at the spoon indicating you are finished with it. Your breakfast foods include french toast, yogurt, oatmeal, nutrigrain bar, cheerios and pretty much any fruit. Your lunch is still jar baby food to keep things easy for Aunt Pam. When you're home with us during lunch you eat anything we feed you which is typically what you would have for supper. Supper food includes grilled cheese, peas, rotisserie chicken, applesauce, noodles, macaroni & cheese, chicken tenders, deli meat and vegetables. You enjoyed barbecue over the weekend--you truly will eat ANYTHING!You have gotten the concept of the juice cup down pretty well and really love to have juice at mealtimes. Here is you after we left you with the entire nutrigrain bar (cut up in small pieces, but with no assistance)...
You are still the best sleeper--at least 12 hours at night. Here you are cuddled up on your lamby with your other two loveys by your side during naptime.
You crawl like a crab with your hiney in the air. Occasionally you will get down on your knees, but we usually seeing you crab/monkey crawling!
We're on our way to school at Aunt Pam's- you seem to love riding in the car!
This is the first month that we really can tell you will have curly hair. There isn't much hair back there, but what you do have is very fuzzy/curly/flipped out. Still don't know what color it will be yet.

Your typical day is:
7:45-8ish- Wake up
8:00- struggle to change your diaper
8:15- breakfast
8:30- playtime
9:00- 7 oz. bottle that usually takes 20-30 minutes to take
10:15-11:45- nap
12:00- lunch
12:30- 7 oz. bottle
2:15-4:00- nap
5:30- suppertime
6:00- bathtime
7:00- 7 oz. bottle that takes awhile to get down!
7:30-8ish reading and bedtime

We look forward to seeing you grow even more over the next month. We love you to pieces little boy!!!! Happy 10 months old William! Love, Mom and Dad

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