Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Sunday, February 08, 2009

13 month update

During William's thirteenth month, we had lots of things to celebrate including Baby Milliken #2's first ultrasound, Christmas, New Years at the beach with cousins, visits from friends and many other great times. The only pictures I have to show are the ones below...reason why later.

William took his first steps on his own 2 days before he turned 13 months old. And is since walking all over the place! William you: are a little ball of fire, are so sweet, usually listen very well, love your Grandparents to death, play so well with Hannah, are an eating machine, love to read, have 8 teeth, take 2 naps a day, wear size 12 months clothes, give kisses on command, love dessert, take your socks off when you are shoeless, are my sweet baby boy!!!!