Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Sunday, February 08, 2009

13 month update

During William's thirteenth month, we had lots of things to celebrate including Baby Milliken #2's first ultrasound, Christmas, New Years at the beach with cousins, visits from friends and many other great times. The only pictures I have to show are the ones below...reason why later.

William took his first steps on his own 2 days before he turned 13 months old. And is since walking all over the place! William you: are a little ball of fire, are so sweet, usually listen very well, love your Grandparents to death, play so well with Hannah, are an eating machine, love to read, have 8 teeth, take 2 naps a day, wear size 12 months clothes, give kisses on command, love dessert, take your socks off when you are shoeless, are my sweet baby boy!!!!


I love my girls!! said...

where is the explaination for no pictures?

Curly said...

Dad just recovered them from my disc that said "no files detected"...he pulled off 185 pics. So, when I get off my lazy fannie, I will post some!!!

I love my girls!! said...

don't you just love when pics are 'recovered'!!!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to those recovered files. I miss william growin' up.
Aunt Mary Ann