Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Sunday, May 18, 2008

5 months old

Today my baby is 5 months old...and he has become more of an angel as every day passes. He is cooing in his crib right now after waking up from his morning nap. It is unusual for him to wake up crying; he's so sweet 23 1/2 hours out of the day! He is very attached to his lovies--we have 3 of them to keep in the rotation (we're always washing them, because he still spits up every day). This is what I found one day last week (almost 5 months old). I walked into his room to get him one morning and I saw his little head...he had flipped over and was on his tummy.This is my favorite time of the day--he loves it when Walks and I go in to get him in the mornings. We get the biggest smiles and of course this day we got even bigger smiles because we were making such a big deal out of him flipping over onto his tummy.
Looked a little like his mom and dad that morning...rough!
When I have William time on the weekends, we move from station to station as long as he is content. Last weekend we laid out this blanket and let him roll over, grab for toys, etc.

He's starting to get into his bumbo now. He can last about 15 minutes in it before he hits the wall and says get me out of this thing!
He has learned how to put his paci in by himself. He pulls it in and out all the time and now likes to chew on it. He's been drooling over the past few weeks and starting to chew on things, especially his hands. No sign of teeth yet, but maybe in the next month or so one will pop up.
Things to note:
- Had his first fever last Saturday--he didn't let him bother him too much though.
- Goes to bed around 7:30 p.m.
- Wakes up at 6:30 a.m. (instead of 7:00)
- Gets his medicine around 6:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
- Feeding schedule:
Bottle 7:30
Rice cereal and either pears, applesauce or bananas around 9:00 a.m.
Bottle 11:00
Bottle 3:00
Rice cereal and a veggie (if we're able to get him to eat, but not usually)
Bottle 6:30
- He does belly laughs now, but it takes some major work to get them.
- Found his feet, but doesn't play with them much yet.
- Plays in the exersaucer
- Sits in the bumbo
- Still loves his bouncy seat in the morning and also when he's eating if I'm too busy or rather too lazy to hold him.
He is really getting spoiled by his Mimi and Grandaddy. And he definitely knows who they are now. He LOVES to see them- they don't put him down and they oogle over him every minute they're together!
We love you so much baby William--happy 5 months!!!


I love my girls!! said...

It goes by too fast. That first picture is so sweet. He sure is a cute baby...he got Walks and your best features!! Hope to see and talk to you soon.

Nicole said...

Oh, I remember those like it was she's all grown!

Hey - I added you to my Blog list. Check out mine:

Anonymous said...

These are great pictures. He is so sweet!