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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Busy Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Day was different from our past Memorial Days in that we didn't travel anywhere. We spent Friday night at home with Hunter, Amanda and Hannah stopping by for a visit. Then Haley and Grady showed up too...funny how those nights that you plan to do nothing always seem to turn into something a little more fun than you thought!

Saturday Mom, Dad and I spent the day getting things ready for William's Baptism on Sunday. Saturday night we went to Kristen and Drew's house for burgers and hung out with our usual crowd (both Bozards, Bells, Coffers and Kirks).

We had a nice lunch reception at Mimi and Grandaddy's house on Sunday after the Baptism for all the family, the Motes and the Bells. Mimi made some really pretty flower arrangements as usual. Below is the outside bar on the screened porch--Mimi and Grandaddy sure do know how to throw a party!

Here is the display of silverware (only Grandaddy and his photo geekness would take a picture of the silverware)...we enjoyed some fabulous food: grilled ham w/ horseradish, fried chicken, brown rice, butter beans, chopped salad, deviled eggs, sour cream/cheese biscuits, blondies, brownies and and petit fors. It was a downhome, comfort meal--delish!!!!
Everybody left the house mid afternoon and in typical Suggs fashion, the party cranked back up around 6:00 to celebrate Memorial Day and a Monday off! Let's see if I can remember everybody who came over Sunday night: Jeff, Kimberly & Virginia Grace, Hunter, Amanda & Hannah, Haley, Gene, Emory Anne & Grady, Tombo, Anna , T & Lesesne, Walks, me & WAM, Billy, Virginia & Benjamin and of course Mimi and Grandaddy!

Emory Anne & T got wet while they played with Hannah's little water pool table so they stripped down and ran around in their diapers!

They loved playing in the rocks...

T stood in the water like this for awhile...all three of the kids were soaking wet!!

Sweet baby LesesneWe had a great weekend and hopefully I'll have some more pictures to post later. What a great weekend we had. Thanks to Mimi and Grandaddy for letting enjoy their house so much!!!


Meagan said...

I've tagged you! Come check out my blog for the rules..

I love my girls!! said...

Wait...I think I saw WAM's arm in one of the pics!!!