Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sleep much?

Emory Anne spent her night with The Mote family and extended family over at GiGi and Papa's house. By the time Aunt Caroline got there is was about time to leave so I only got pictures while she was sleeping, but from the sound of it, she was sleeping all night.
Mom (Haley) says she likes to sleep from 12pm to 12am and then she's up all night--getting her days and nights confused does not help Mom get much sleep at all!
Uncle William was a little "slow" last night as he also has his days and nights confused...up all night, sleep all day?! William is utilizing every last minute he has in South Carolina before he goes back to NYC on Monday. Emory Anne loves her Uncle William and thinks that maybe he can stay up with her since he's accustomed to that and let Mom sleep.
Thanks for having us over last night GiGi and Papa!

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