Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I'm officially obsessed with this little boy. He is so stinking cute and to me he's PERFECT!!! At 2 months old, he is still like he was at 2 days old...very alert, a non-crier, happy to be held, but equally as happy to just lie down on the couch, activity mat or in his crib. He loves to look at his mobile (15 minutes is about his max!), the ceiling fan or me when I'm making funny faces and talking to him. Now that Walks is home (with a hurt knee), Walks is starting to get to spend more time with William and he's getting a lot of response out of him and LOVING IT!!!
If William's temperament stays like it is now, we are going to have one laid back, fun little boy on our hands. He is such a joy and we know just how blessed we are!
Notes to remember:
-Sleeps 2 out of 3 nights from 11 to 7
-Started smiling BIG at 8 weeks
-Stands up when we burp him. He's so strong, it's hard to get him to sit on your knee
-Moved to 6 ounces at 8 weeks and has 6 bottles a day- 7, 10, 1, 4, 7, 10
-Will fall asleep with ANY amount of noise and ANY place when he's tired
-Loves his paci

I'm looking forward to the next 2 months to see what's to come!! I love you baby boy!


Anonymous said...


Awesome pic's! He is such a Suggs and such a Milliken all wrapped up into one.

Hope to see y'all tomorrow night.


Leslie Kirk said...

So cute!! Looking forward to seeing y'all tomorrow!!

CTBaker in the Acres said...

Just Precious!!!! I love it! It makes me miss those days! I have no idea what happened to the time!