Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Before Baby Bell #2

Gene and Haley decided they wanted to have people over one last time before they arrival of Baby Bell #2. Everyone was so sweet and brought over either a casserole or diapers...what a great idea. We'll have to do that in the future for everybody else--how wondeful!!
Luckily, Leslie, the greatest baby holder and lover ever was there to snuggle with little WAM. He loves his aunt Lel. Ariail was SO sweet too and held William for a long time, giving me a nice break from baby-holding :) Thanks!!!

Emory Anne pushing T around the Mickey Mouse car. I don't know that he got off that thing all night!

Kiki and Emory Anne

Leslie was feeding William and Emory Anne just had to help. She's going to be the best big sister!

Not so sure that this is what Tombo wants to see T doing...pushing a baby stroller around. Maybe that is how he will help Anna out when she has baby #2 next week :)

We had a great time and thank Haley and Gene again for a wonderful night!!! Can't wait to meet Baby Bell #2!!!!

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